What is Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT)?

What is Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT)?

The Vulnerability Assessment (VA) procedure was developed with the aim of identifying any weaknesses in your IT infrastructure, including those in your network, software system, and applications.

The test used to determine how serious the vulnerabilities discovered by VA testing are is known as penetration testing (PT).

To help you better comprehend it, allow us to provide a short example.

The host's weak cryptography is found through VA testing. To determine how it may affect the system, penetration testing techniques may be utilized. It may be dangerous if it can be decoded to access the database (much like a phishing attack).

While PT defines the severity of each loophole, VA is a list of loopholes.

In most cybersecurity tasks, vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) are combined.

We help organizations from different business domains undergo vulnerability assessment and penetration testing (VAPT) for various assets such as mobile apps, websites, web applications, servers, firewalls, laptops, computers, network devices, etc. It had helped many of our clients.

by Dr. Shekhar Pawar

What do Third-Party Assessment, External Vulnerability Assessment, and Internal Vulnerability Assessment in VAPT mean?

The practice of internally testing your IT security is called internal vulnerability assessment. An internal vulnerability analysis analyzes the IT security from within the organization (internal software, network, employee competence, work environment & internal policy in terms of IT security, etc.).

An external vulnerability assessment analyzes the company's IT security from the outside. This involves locating the security gaps in your network firewall via which malevolent outsiders can access your network and other sensitive data linked to your organization.

A third party performs both tasks. It is advised that businesses seek out an outside specialist for their technical audits. We also advise doing the VAPT often. Internal VAPT evaluation, which includes recognizing human mistakes and work etiquette, can be done for more accurate manual results. Depending on the size of your organization and job activities, these experts have the proper instruments to handle your requirements. Once these gaps are filled, experts always advise that you reevaluate the situation for improved outcomes in the future.


There are three main ways to perform VAPT.

  • Black Box Testing:

    Without knowledge of the internal networks or the system, testing from the exterior network. In case of web application’s black box VAPT, client can just provide web url or IP address to go ahead with the VAPT activities.

  • Grey Box Testing:

    With knowledge of your internal network and system, testing may be conducted on either internal or external networks. Grey box testing combines the black box and the white box approaches. In case of web application level gray box VAPT, test cases consisting the test user logins and checking functional flows from security point of view are crucial.

  • White Box Testing:

    Using knowledge of the system and the internal network, conducting testing from the internal network. During web application-level white box VAPT, source code security review plays an important role.

White box testing is most recommended as it gives maximum coverage. Grey box testing is better than black box testing for identifying most vulnerabilities. It is best to talk about these with experts of SecureClaw so that you fully comprehend the appropriate testing method for your company.


VAPT has the potential to serve as the ultimate proof in many technological controls. For instance, the rules under which A12.6 specifically discusses vulnerability management are defined in the statement of applicability (SOA) for the ISO 27001:2013 information security management system (ISMS).

A12.6.1 describes the integrity, security, availability, and vulnerability related to both internal and external threats. To determine the internal and external hazards connected to it and to take the necessary precautions, testing is essential. Before choosing to do any meaningful work, A12.6.2 outlines the controls on software and it must be checked.

Many controls in ISO 27001 have a relationship to VAPT. A13.1 Network security, A14.2.3 Technical assessment of programs following modifications to the operating system, A14.2.9 System acceptance testing, etc. are a few examples.

What are the benefits of VAPT compliance with ISO or any standard?

A single VAPT report can serve as evidence for a variety of organizational technical controls. It applies to other certifications as well, such as SOC, PCI-DSS, HITRUST, GDPR, HIPAA, etc., and is not just restricted to ISO 27001.


All of the findings from your vulnerability assessments and penetration testing are detailed in the VAPT report. The confidence of your clientele will grow significantly as a result of this study.

Generally, such a VAPT report has two sections: one is for the top management and executives of the organization, and another section helps the technical and operations team understand each vulnerability in detail.

What to do in the event of a ransomware attack?

After a ransomware attack, there are actions you may do to limit the harm to your business operations. Authorities warn against paying the ransom no matter what the circumstance. As soon as other cybercriminals learn about successful assaults, they become more motivated to launch new attempts.

A VAPT Certificate or VAPT Compliance: How Do I Get One?

An assessment certificate from a third party is required to become compliant with the VAPT. But if a corporation does not truly comprehend the hazards in its IT infrastructure, then having a certificate is useless. It is preferable to have a VAPT report from a professional so that you are adequately advised and can thereafter comprehend the entire procedure (including the potential risks in your organization). Cheap certifications will be more detrimental than beneficial.


VAPT can be carried out every day, every week, every month, or every year. The primary factors are the type of your job activities and if a VAPT is required. Along with your internal and technical audits, we advise having it completed twice a year.

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